Program: ,,CEEX”


Authority: Institute of Atomic Physics (IAP) (CEEX program)


Contract No. 89/2006; Project type: P-CD


Project Title: „Production and behavior’s study of C, W and Be coatings used for thermonuclear fusion installations’ first wall    



Period:  24 months (October 2006 – September 2008)


Project Director: Dr. Cristian P. LUNGU

Coordinator:  National Institute of Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), Bucharest-Magurele (CO/P1),


Partner 2

“Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania;


Project Responsible: Diplom. Physicist Ion VATA

Partner 3

National Institute of Materials Physics, Magurele, Bucharest,


Project Responsible: Dr Mihai Florin LAZARESCU

Partner 4

“Politehnica” University, (BIOMAT) Bucuresti,


Project Responsible: Dr. ing.Florin MICULESCU

Partner 5

SC MEDAPTEH SRL, Com. N. Balcescu, Jud. Bacau


Project Responsible: Ing. Valentin MIDONI


We propose to use the high vacuum deposition method for the deposition of Be, W and C on substrates of W, CFC, inconel and copper. The original Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method, developed at NILPRP assures high purity, high energies for the ions (which can be varied) of the materials to be deposited, very good adherence between the substrate and the as deposited films.

There will be also used the possibility of simultaneous depositions of Be and Cu in order to improve beryllium’s quality regarding the hardness and its adaptability to the copper substrate.

On tungsten and CFC substrates there will be deposited different thickness of Be and C – from 1 nm to 10 nm – in order to simulate the interactions from the reactor’s main chamber and to analyze their inter-diffusion at the contact area.

On the copper substrate there will be co-deposited Be and Cu (in different concentrations) in order to form a 20 nm buffer layer. After reaching the thickness of 20 nm for the buffer layer the beryllium deposition process will continue in order to achieve a beryllium film’s thickness of 8 μm to 10 μm. The so formed structure will be analyzed in order to study the properties’ changing (especially adherence) as a function of the Be/Cu concentration ratios in the buffer layer.

All depositions will be made using different Be, C, W and Cu ions’ energies necessary to study and to understand the influence of this parameter over the interface between the substrate and the film tacking into account that this parameter couldn’t be studied in the case of classical deposition techniques like thermal evaporation, cathode sputtering or even the vacuum arc.

On the samples obtained using TVA technology will be experimented the following treatments (similar to the phenomena expected to happen in the fusion reactor):

·          post deposition thermal treatments in the temperature range of 100ºC - 500ºC necessary for the study of the inter-diffusion between beryllium and tungsten on one hand and carbon and tungsten on the other

·          prolonged deuterium discharges necessary to estimate beryllium’s erosion rate as a function of deposition parameters (especially beryllium ions’ energies used in the TVA deposition process)

Measurable goals:

·          The erosion rate of deposited layers (using both TVA and thermal evaporation methods) exposed to deuterium plasma. During the exposure to the deuterium plasma the samples will be heated to temperatures between 100ºC - 500ºC in order to simulate the fusion reactor’s conditions. We will compare the samples obtained using TVA technique with the ones obtained using thermal evaporation. We expect to have a lower sputtering rate for the samples obtained using our technology

·          RBS analysis of the interface layer between Be and W in order to detect the Be-W compounds (Be22W, Be12W, and Be2W) and to determine the diffusion beryllium depth profiles into the tungsten substrate. The study of the interface layer is of great interest because it is known that alloying the beryllium with tungsten will decrease the melting point of the structure

·          The adherence of beryllium films on a copper substrate as a function of its ions’ energies which will be varied in the range of 100 eV – 600 eV

·          The adherence of beryllium films on a copper substrate having a Be-Cu compound as a buffer layer (obtained by simultaneous deposition of Be and Cu) as a function of the Be/Cu concentrations’ ratio. In this stage we will also test the adherence after post deposition thermal treatments in the temperature range of 0ºC - 500ºC

·          The study of the interface layer formed between carbon and tungsten. It is known, as we described above, that at the interface area, a tungsten carbide layer appears which induce changes into the structure

The deposited and treated layers will be with respect to the composition, structure, gaseous retention, interdiffusion at the contact of the two layers, by XPS, AFM, SEM, RBS. We will measure the adherence degree by exposing them to tear weights, the thermal conductivity coefficient by measuring the caloric flux that passes through them

Proposed targets/dead lines

I: Fitting out the slot needed for starting off the project’s fundamental research activities. Studies regarding the influence of irradiations with neutrons and deuterons of the W, C and Be films deposited onto substrates made of the main candidate materials for the fusion reaction chamber (W, CFC, Cu, inconel, etc).


II: Be film depositions having thickness of  10- 50 nm onto tungsten, carbon, inconel, copper. The study of the influence of Be ions’ bombardment and of temperature over the Be-W  and Be-C compounds and over layer interdiffusion..


III. Carbon thin films depositions having thickness of  10- 50 nm onto tungsten, inconel, copper at ionic energies between 200 and 500 eV, thermal treatment of the films, study of carbon ion influence on the formation of composites C-Me (Me= W, inconel, Cu) and interdiffusion.


IV: Tungsten films depositions having thickness of  10- 50 nm onto Be, inconel, copper at ionic energies between 200 and 500 eV, thermal treatment of the films, study of tungsten ion influence on the formation of composites W-Be, W-inconel, W-Cu and inetrdifussion


V:  Be films depositions having thickness of  8-10 µm onto inconel and copper with a intermediate layer. Study of the adherence, by sticking a device in order to measure the adherence by adding weights. (Pulling test).


Output: Preparation in the laboratory conditions of the composite films that can be resulted after activities in the nuclear fusion reactors and studies of the related phenomena.

Dissemination: scientific publications, conferences, website

Fulfilled targets:


  • Were elaborated research report concerning: „Study onthe preparation methods of Be, W, C films and the influence of deposition conditions on their characteristics” (INFLPR-CO/P1)
  • „Study on the irradiation with neutrons and deuterons of the W,Be, C films deposited on substrates used for nuclear fusion reactors (W, C, Cu, inconel, etc.). The effect of irradiation study using RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy)”. (P2. IFIN-HH),
  • Study on the film analysis by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDX (Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy) of the irradiation using energetic particles effects on the W,  Be, C films  (P4. “Politehnica” University)
  • Technical assistance on the adapting the TVA gun evaporation system (P5. SC MEDAPTEH SRL)


Equipment acquisition: Partial payment of a stabilized dc supply (1-5kV, 0-2A) from Heinzinger Electronic GmbH, Germany




•         Oral presentation on the International Confernce “PROGRESS OF CRYOGENICS AND ISOTOPES SEPARATION”, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Valcea, Romania, October 25-27, 2006 and publication in the Proceedings of the 11th ICSI Conference PROGRESS OF CRYOGENICS AND ISOTOPES SEPARATION:

Beryllium film formation by thermionic vacuum arc and thermal evaporation

authors: C. P. Lungu*, I. Mustata*, V. Zaroschi*, A. M. Lungu*, P. Chiru*, A. Anghel*, G. Burcea**, V. Bailescu**, G. Dinuta**, F. Din**, *National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, **Nuclear Fuel Factory, Pitesti, Romania